
Task 1: Tracing logo

Coca Cola's logo

Crime Sorciere's logo

Starbuck's logo

The progression of tracing logo

Assassin creed's logo

Team Mystic's logo

Walt Disney's logo

Pirates of the carribean's logo

Minecraft's logo

Versace's logo

Task 2: Low Poly

Task 3: Mesh Tool

Task 4: Photo Collage

Task 5: Photo Retouch
Photo Retouch 1


Photo Retouch 2


Task 6: Clipping Mask

Task 7: Character Design

Step 1: Sketch
First, I sketched out several sketches to convey my own ideas for the character design.

This is the first idea of my design. My idea for the character is a witch with angelic-look.

In my second sketch, I added a scepter for the character as a symptom of a witch. To make it more interesting, I changed the hair style and clothes.

Finally, this is the final design.

The Product

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